Troubling Times Ahead For Papua New Guinea and The Pacific, The Dark Truth Behind The US Agenda

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"Their goal is to incite conflict within those societies."

The reason behind the Western countries, specifically the United States, promoting their social agenda vigorously in Africa has been a frequent question in that many people have asked. As reported in the news, several Western leaders have visited Africa and emphasized social transformation as their topmost priority.

Meanwhile, nations like China and Russia have been promoting trade agreements, military alliances, and infrastructure investments that would help Africans in the medium-, short-, and long-term. You must first realize that the West is not particularly concerned with these issues. Their goal is to incite conflict within those societies. You might be wondering what would happen if we agreed to the western world's demands for social reform.

We can say that once you reach an agreement on social reforms, they introduce even more radical ones. And after a few years, when you have adjusted to the new norms, they bring up new social issues to deliberate. The underlying motive for promoting these social reforms and cultural changes in African nations is to exploit their citizens. As individuals debate over various social issues and as culture adjusts to these changes, the inhabitants become more vulnerable to being taken advantage of.

This tactic of distracting citizens with debates over social issues has been observed in the United States, where many individuals are struggling with poverty and inflation. However, instead of addressing these problems, Americans are engrossed in discussions over which bathrooms to use. This is a deliberate ploy to keep people's attention away from the real issues and allow the insiders to take advantage of the situation.

pride month

Now, many Africans, because they haven't been exposed to these social issues as long as Americans have, they're more quick to reject them, and that I think is working to their benefit. Again, the key thing to remember is the West does not actually care about these issues. What they care about is you fighting amongst yourself over these issues so that you can be taken advantage of.

This tactic is comparable to that of a used car dealer who diverts the buyer's attention from the real issue - the price - by engaging them in a debate over trivial matters such as color or payment. It's a way to distract people from the actual problem and keep them from noticing the real agenda. Being aware of this strategy can help individuals recognize what the West is doing every time.

Now with their attempt to return to the Pacific after years, you can bet they will try to come here and push their agendas on us. To use the same tactics they have been trying to use against the Africans but are failing. Papua New Guinean leaders must not allow them to grow roots in our nation. As it could spell a lot of trouble in the coming years.

Have you observed a push for these social issues in your country? If so, how has it affected you and the people you know? What you guys think on the ground intrigues us.

We'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment.


  1. The western powers are all about supreamacy! If I were to chose bilateral ties between the US and Australia, and China and Russia, I would go with the Russians and the Chinese Communist rulership. US and Aussies, have no real interest to help Pacific. What they do in the Pacific is for their own personal agenders!

  2. Let's follow our brothers in Africa ,,Western countries brings poverty, crisis and destabilising of governments,,wars and and more more bad bad bad stuff ..Look towards Russia and China

  3. Russia and China or BRICS will be the idea choice for PNG Government in economic development rather than military alliance to destructions

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