Justin Tkatchenko Faces Ombudsman Commission, Marape's Leadership In Doubt

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"The Ombudsman Commission requested Tkatchenko to provide an explanation for his actions."

Justin Tkatchenko, a Moresby South MP who resigned as foreign affairs minister following his contentious "primitive animals" remark, reportedly appeared before the Ombudsman Commission yesterday, according to Prime Minister James Marape.

According to Marape, the Ombudsman Commission requested Tkatchenko to provide an explanation for his actions. Marape stated that Tkatchenko appeared for an interview with the commission yesterday morning. Tkatchenko clarified that his "primitive animals" comment was aimed at social media trolls and not intended to target all Papua New Guineans.

Marape further clarified that only four individuals from the Foreign Affairs Department, including Minister Justin Tkatchenko and his wife, attended the coronation of King Charles in London. Marape mentioned that he and his wife were also invited but chose to decline the invitation. When Tkatchenko's wife was unable to attend, Tkatchenko took his daughter as a replacement.

Regarding the governor-general's entourage, Marape explained that the vice-regal always travels with their own security, protocol, and media officers. He stated that the governor-general's team accompanies him during such visits. Marape also mentioned that soldiers from Papua New Guinea, as part of the Commonwealth, were invited to participate in the coronation program, including carrying the national flag.

Furthermore, Marape made an appeal to the public, urging them to forgive Tkatchenko. He emphasized the upcoming significant event of two world leaders visiting the country and encouraged everyone to move forward by letting go of past grievances.

This also leaves a few holes in Marape's statements. In recently released documents containing the overall approved costs for the King's coronation. Prime Minister James Marape's K100,000+ travel allowance was paid out. And he is now on record saying he did not infact attend. If so then why was his allowance paid?

tkatchenko ABC Interview
Documents indicating James Marape's allowance was paid, however he did not attend.

While MP Justine Tkatchenko went on record on ABC saying his daughter was paid an allowance of K25,000. Which clearly is in breach of protocol, Why Was Savannah Tkatchenko there in the first place? Why were government funds allocated to her? With more evidence coming to light, there seems to be more questions than answers.

tkatchenko ABC Interview
Tkatchenko in recent interview with ABC's Pacific Beat

While the Prime Minister continues to support Justin Tkatchenko, he himself has not answered many of the questions that are being asked by the Papua New Guineans, who are now questioning if he is fit for leadership or if his integrity has been compromised. The Prime Minister has no choice but to face the music and begin answering the people's questions.

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