PNG Delegates to King's Coronation List Released

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"The list includes attendees from Government House, Foreign Affairs, National Parliament, and others."

A list of delegates who attended the King's Coronation in London has finally been released after public demand. However, the authenticity of the source of the list is yet to be verified.

The list includes attendees from Government House, Foreign Affairs, National Parliament, and others. Among the attendees, some have been flagged as questionable, and it is up to the Prime Minister to provide transparency and justification for their inclusion in the delegation. The list includes the Governor General, his wife, and staff, the Foreign Affairs Minister and his daughter, a consultant protocol officer, drivers, and protocol officers from various departments, a former MP, and the flag bearer.

Full Delegates List:

Government House:

  1. Bob Dadae - Governor General (GG)
  2. Emeline Dadae - Wife of GG
  3. Madeline Dusse - Press Secretary, GG
  4. Bill Toraso - Acting Official Secretary
  5. Telita Uware - Official Secretary's PA ⭐
  6. Basil Andon - Private Secretary
  7. Sgt. Christopher Patgawi - PNGDF CPO/Driver
  8. Insp. Arau Mairi - Police ADC
  9. Winnie Ben - Finance Director ⭐
  10. Keswol Joseph - GG's Valet
  11. Marila Kukuone - Lady in waiting
  12. Matthew Ding - GG Protocol Officer


  1. Justine Tkatchenko - Foreign Affairs Minister
  2. Savannah Tkatchenko - Daughter of Foreign Affairs Minister ⭐
  3. Barbara Mimino - Consultant Protocol Officer/Retired DA Officer ⭐
  4. Ronnie Kwari - Driver ⭐
  5. Noel Leana - a/Chief of State Protocol


  1. Koni Iguan - Deputy Speaker ⭐
  2. Basil Kambuliagen - Deputy Clerk of Parliament ⭐
  3. Derick Michael - Protocol Officer ⭐


  1. Renbo Paita - Minister for Finance ⭐
  2. Tales Sansan - Secretary, Personnel Management ⭐
  3. Junelyn Veratau - EO to Secretary ⭐
  4. Gisuat Siniwin - Former Nawaeb MP ⭐
  5. Josie Pitz - PM's Personal Assistant ⭐
  6. Daniel Karara - PM's Protocol ⭐
  7. Morea Baru - Flag Bearer

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