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Mr Frank said: “The liquor ban will come into effect from May 16-23 where all wholesalers, retailers, shops will not trade alcohol."

Starting tomorrow, May 16, a restriction on the sale of alcoholic beverages will be imposed in Port Moresby city until May 23. This measure is being taken in anticipation of the arrival of 14 Pacific Island country leaders, along with US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Hipkins, who will be in the city during that time.

The India-Pacific Islands Cooperation Summit will be held at the APEC Haus in Port Moresby, and Papua New Guinea (PNG) will be co-hosting the event with India. As part of the city's preparations for hosting the summit, the NCD Liquor board, which includes Chairman Sir Luciano Cragnolini, City Manager Ravu Frank, Moresby Northeast MP John Kaupa, and Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika, announced last Friday that a liquor ban will be implemented in the city from May 16 to May 23. This decision was made in anticipation of the arrival of the 14 Pacific Island country leaders, as well as US President Joe Biden, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, and New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Hipkins, who will be attending the summit.

According to City Manager Ravu Frank, the liquor ban will be in place from May 16 to May 23, during which time all alcohol wholesalers, retailers, and shops will not be permitted to sell alcohol. The ban is being implemented out of respect for the Pacific Island country leaders who will be visiting the city during that time, and only hotels will be permitted to sell alcohol.

Frank also appealed to the city's residents to show respect for the visiting leaders. NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika added that the police will conduct thorough checks on all shops selling alcohol, and any violation of the ban will result in the forfeiture of licenses.

Metropolitan Superintendent Silva Sika emphasized that the NCDC has enacted laws that must be followed and enforced, and those who fail to comply with the liquor ban may lose their licenses. He stressed the importance of everyone adhering to the ban that has been implemented.

Moresby Northeast MP John Kaupa also commented on the upcoming event, calling it an honor for the city to host the Pacific Island country leaders. He appealed to the city's residents to maintain peace and order during the FIPIC summit, which will take place on May 22-23.

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