Justin Tkatchenko's Tenure of Corruption | Marape-Rosso Government Has Lost Public Trust

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"The revelation of documents listing Catherine Jane Tkatchenko as Director/Shareholder of Kitoro No. 33."

Justin Tkatchenko, former Foreign Affairs Minister (2023) of Papua New Guinea who has served as a Member of Parliament and Minister for Lands and Physical Planning in previous years. Who also held various other public positions, including serving as the CEO of the National Gaming and Control Board, APEC Minister etc.

In recent years, allegations have emerged that Tkatchenko has been involved in business deals under the guise of Kitoro No. 33, a company that is registered under Catherine Jane Tkatchenko. These deals have reportedly involved government-funded projects and events, including the 2015 Pacific Games, which were hosted by Papua New Guinea, and recently the 3 Million Kina celebrations for the King's Coronation in Port Moresby.

Indeed, the recent allegations and controversies surrounding Justin Tkatchenko are not isolated incidents, but rather part of a broader pattern of corruption allegations that have persisted over time. The involvement of Tkatchenko's daughter in the recent saga has brought forth additional information and claims regarding Tkatchenko's business dealings and alleged corrupt practices.

The revelation of documents listing Catherine Jane Tkatchenko as Director/Shareholder of Kitoro No. 33 raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest and raises the need for a comprehensive investigation into Justin Tkatchenko's business dealings. This new information adds another layer to the allegations and highlights the importance of scrutinizing past deals and transactions involving both Kitoro No. 33 and PNG Gardener.

A tweet showing Kitoro 33. company information.

These alleged dealings have raised concerns about conflicts of interest and corruption, as well as the potential misuse of public funds for personal gain. Tkatchenko has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that Kitoro No. 33 is a legitimate company that has been audited and pays its taxes.

The public eagerly awaits any forthcoming information on this matter. The Prime Minister, James Marape, has chosen to maintain silence regarding these recent disclosures. His lack of response has led many to interpret it as an implicit admission of "guilt by association." This raises questions as to why he continues to endorse a cabinet member who faces numerous corruption allegations, especially considering the compelling evidence that has now been made public. Marape's continued support of Tkatchenko risks alienating the support of the nation, making it increasingly untenable for him to sustain his endorsement.

marape-rosso cabinet
Marape-Rosso Cabinet

A number of individuals from the general population have taken to social media to express their belief that the Prime Minister should be subject to investigation by the Ombudsman Commission. This has raised doubts about the integrity of not only the Prime Minister but also his entire cabinet, as public support and confidence progressively diminishes.

The outcome of this entire matter remains uncertain, leaving it open to speculation. However, one undeniable fact is that the persistent inaction of the Marape government and their reluctance to address the concerns of the people only aggravate the erosion of trust and confidence in the current administration. This becomes even more critical considering the close scrutiny from the international community.

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