Biden cancels first visit by a US leader | Good news for PNG & Pacific

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"The call for the West to refrain from imposing their agendas."

The disappointment voiced by certain Papua New Guineans regarding the cancellation of President Joe Biden's visit to Port Moresby needs to be considered within the larger framework of concerns surrounding the United States' actions and their potential consequences for the country. While it is natural for the people to feel enthusiastic about the opportunity to witness such a historical visit, it is crucial to acknowledge and address their legitimate Concerns about the U.S.'s conduct as an ally.

Papua New Guineans' concerns regarding the perception of the United States as a bully, utilizing its military might and economic leverage to manipulate smaller nations, are indeed grounded in certain realities. The historical involvement of the U.S. in interventions and interference in the affairs of other countries has contributed to this perception. Additionally, the weaponization of the U.S. dollar and the imposition of economic sanctions for geopolitical purposes have further reinforced the notion of the U.S. exerting control through economic means. These concerns highlight the importance of addressing the power dynamics and ensuring that partnerships between nations are based on mutual respect and cooperation.

Quad Group Meeting
the weaponization of the U.S. dollar has raised concerns among Papua New Guineans

It is indeed important to acknowledge that the interests of the United States may not always align with those of Papua New Guinea and its people. Each nation prioritizes its own national interests, and the United States is no exception to this principle. While alliances can offer advantages, it is crucial to conduct a thorough evaluation of the potential costs and implications associated with entering into such agreements. It is prudent for Papua New Guinea, like any nation, to carefully consider the ramifications and ensure that any commitments made align with its long-term objectives and the well-being of its citizens.

The concerns expressed by Papua New Guineans regarding the potential of becoming like the Middle East or Vietnam reflect the fears of military escalation and destabilization that can accompany a heightened U.S. military presence. The experiences and legacies of conflicts in those regions have left lasting impressions, and it is understandable that Papua New Guineans would exercise caution when considering arrangements that might lead to similar outcomes. It is crucial to address these concerns and ensure that any agreements or partnerships prioritize the long-term stability, security, and well-being of Papua New Guinea and its people.

Opposition groups' concerns about PNG's position between the United States and China are also valid. As tensions between these two superpowers escalate, smaller nations in the region face increasing pressure to choose sides. Papua New Guinea should pursue a foreign policy that maintains friendly relations with all nations and avoids getting entangled in conflicts that could jeopardize its stability and development.

The cancellation of President Biden's visit does indeed offer Papua New Guinea an opportunity to conduct a thorough assessment of the proposed defense treaty with the United States. The lack of comprehensive information available about the treaty raises valid questions about its potential long-term implications and how well it aligns with the country's strategic interests. It is essential for Papua New Guinea to carefully evaluate the treaty, considering its potential impact on national security, sovereignty, and the overall well-being of the country. This evaluation should involve a comprehensive analysis of the treaty's provisions, potential risks, and benefits to make an informed decision that best serves the long-term interests of Papua New Guinea.

tweet caitlin johnstone
The U.S has been labelled a global bully by many nations

While it is true that active engagement and presence in the region are important for countering Beijing's influence, it should not come at the expense of the sovereignty and well-being of Papua New Guinea. Instead of relying solely on symbolic visits, it would be more meaningful for the United States to demonstrate its commitment to the region through sustained diplomatic efforts, economic cooperation, and respect for the autonomy of Pacific nations.

anti US protest
The US War machine is responsible for millions of deaths across the world

Militarization & the West Not Needed

The increasing scrutiny regarding whether the Prime Minister is giving more importance to the welfare of Papua New Guinea or his personal agenda mirrors the apprehensions shared by numerous Papua New Guineans. The apparent absence of thorough consultations with the citizens prior to consequential choices has intensified these worries. Acknowledging that the informed opinions and viewpoints of the majority of the populace hold considerable influence over the public dialogue is crucial.

The suggestion by some that China and Russia (BRICS) would be better allies, instead of entertaining the United States, is an indication of the shifting geopolitical landscape and alternative alliances that are being considered. Papua New Guinea, like any nation, has the right to evaluate its partnerships and determine which countries align better with its interests and aspirations.

The call for the West to refrain from imposing their agendas, citing instances of bloodshed in African and Middle Eastern countries, emphasizes the need for respectful and mutually beneficial relationships. Papua New Guinea, like other nations, desires to avoid the negative consequences that can arise from external interventions.

Ultimately, it is crucial for the government to actively engage with the population, listen to their concerns, and ensure that decisions are made in the best interests of the nation as a whole. Open and transparent dialogue can help build trust and enable the government to make informed decisions that align with the aspirations and well-being of the Papua New Guinean people.

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