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"Sir Julius has also called for a ban on all dual citizens from holding public office in Papua New Guinea."

The former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Sir Julius Chan, has called for the immediate sacking of former Foreign Affairs Minister Justin Tkatchenko. Tkatchenko recently stepped down from his position amid mounting pressure over comments he made on social media directed towards his daughter's critics.

Sir Julius expressed his dismay over Tkatchenko's comments, calling them "unthinkable" and suggesting that he is "out of his mind". He also argued that the foreign affairs minister is more powerful than the Prime Minister in the eyes of the world, and that Marape should have sacked Tkatchenko or asked for his resignation.

In addition, there are calls for an investigation into possible breaches of the Leadership Code by Tkatchenko's inclusion of his daughter on an official delegation, and a law firm has taken up the case. Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Defence, Belden Namah, has requested an investigation into Savannah's citizenship status and possible breaches of the Immigrations and Citizenship Service Act.

Sir Julius has also called for a ban on all dual citizens from holding public office in Papua New Guinea, stating that "you can't ride two horses." Prime Minister Marape has acknowledged the incident and advised leaders in his ranks that the conduct of their families and leadership is under scrutiny at all times.


  1. The fact that one holds dual citizenship is clear evidence of their indecision - whether he/she belongs here or belongs back there, or yet again may at a later point in time actually chucks away one permanently for the other. Never allow them to stand for public office to represent our people. NEVER IN THE FIRST PLACE ALLOW.

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